Convene High Stakes Conversations
Great meetings don’t just happen. They are carefully designed and facilitated. We help you plan and facilitate high-stakes meetings involving anywhere from 5 to 500 participants. Different kinds of meetings require different kinds of approaches. So, we help you choose and use the right methods to support your goals.
Convene High Stakes Conversations
Great meetings don’t just happen. They are carefully designed and facilitated. We help you plan and facilitate high-stakes meetings involving anywhere from 5 to 500 participants. Different kinds of meetings require different kinds of approaches. So, we help you choose and use the right methods to support your goals.
- Offsite Retreats
- Strategy Development
- Values Summit
- Board Meetings
- Innovation Labs
- Multi-stakeholder Dialogues
Your facilitation of our strategic planning process was masterful. Every meeting felt valuable and energizing. And in the end, our diverse staff and board come to consensus on an exciting new direction for our organization.
Vice PresidentBuild Stronger Teams
An evening of bowling or a weekend in the woods can be great fun, but not enough to create a high-performance team. Great teams form through intentional development over time. Their members commit to certain essential beliefs and practices. They learn to support one another as they strive to turn those practices into habit. Our TRUEteam process helps your team acquire a shared mindset and skill-set that strengthens its ability to adapt and succeed in an increasingly complex world.
The quality of the conversations taking place among the members of your team is directly related to the results you’re getting. What is the level of directness and candor? How often are difficult conversations avoided? How much energy goes into dealing with defensiveness and repairing misunderstandings?
Teams can become limited by what members tolerate. What if you could bring a new “normal” to your team? What if at the end of difficult conversations, you and others were able to say: “That felt remarkably honest, direct, respectful, and valuable?” What if you felt confident that an exchange on the most uncomfortable and controversial topics would strengthen your relationship with team members rather than putting them at risk?
The TRUEteam experience enables your team to make respectful candor and directness an everyday habit and the key to high performance. Here’s what makes the TRUEteam experience unique:
Takes place over six months so that a new mindset and habits can be formed. Offers both individual online and in-person team learning experiences. Provides regular progress feedback through the TRUEteam Pulse Survey.
I’ve been managing for 25 years and I did not believe it was possible for team meetings to run this smoothly. You’ve helped us take a group of historically adversarial people and build a real team that has achieved real results.
Team Leader/Senior ExecutiveGrow Great Leaders
It’s a powerful idea. “A leader is to an organization what a properly shaped lens is to light.” Gifted leaders bring focus to collective intention, talent, and energy in the ways that guide an organization into its future. Sometimes this means focusing attention on things that can help organizations wake up from the “trance” of habit, cynicism, and denial. Sometimes it’s about shedding light on major challenges. Sometimes it’s about focusing that light on current gifts and the rich possibilities ahead
Blue Wing consulting works with you to master a powerful set of leadership practices. At the same time, we help you clarify who you aspire to be and what it is you seek to contribute as a leader. We work with you in a confidential one to one relationship to address specific, immediate challenges while enhancing your ability to be clear about, and achieve, the longer-term results you seek.
Larry perceives the weighty issues that will define my success and fulfillment, both for my own benefit and that of New Belgium. The questions [he] asks have been catalysts for huge personal growth, and our conversations are among the most meaningful of my career.
Blue Wing Consulting was awarded the Facilitation Impact Award by the International Association of Facilitators. It is the most prestigious international award honoring excellence in facilitation and its positive, measurable impact on organizations around the world.
Blue Wing Consulting was awarded the Facilitation Impact Award by the International Association of Facilitators. It is the most prestigious international award honoring excellence in facilitation and its positive, measurable impact on organizations around the world.