IN MY TOOL BAG: The Meeting Scorecard

IN MY TOOL BAG: The Meeting Scorecard

More often than not, when I ask leaders, “How’d your meeting go?” they look at me sheepishly and answer with something like, “I’d like to think it went well. Nobody complained.” Despite the fact that meetings are an important business process in most organizations,...
IN MY TOOL BAG: The After Action Review

IN MY TOOL BAG: The After Action Review

After introducing a new technology, finishing a big project, or concluding a major meeting, many of us act on an impulse to move to the next thing on our list or go on vacation. But pivoting too quickly to “what’s next” denies you and your team the opportunity to...
IN MY TOOL BAG: The Atlas of Emotions

IN MY TOOL BAG: The Atlas of Emotions

There was a time in my life when I had very little vocabulary to describe my emotions beyond happy, sad, and… hungry. OK, technically the third one isn’t really an emotion but it’s all I had at the time. Much later in life, I learned to identify and distinguish a...
IN MY TOOL BAG: Proposal Feedback Poster

IN MY TOOL BAG: Proposal Feedback Poster

One of my specializations is designing and facilitating meetings in which people with diverse interests can tackle complex challenges, like how to aid refugees or how to innovate next-generation solar technology. During these gatherings, people typically generate...